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Hi, friends today i'm with a latest trick you never seen, this trick is taking into consider on searching on internet very hardly . This includes in editing windows group policy.
ie., to increase internet (downloading) speed by 20 %
yes, its true don't you believe it
Now, please follow these steps and njoy....!
1.) log on as Administrator.
3.) expand "local computer policy"
4.) then expand "administrative templates"
5.) Then expand "network branch"
6.) Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler"
7.) On right window double click "limit reservable bandwidth"
8.) On setting tab check the "enabled"
9.) Change "Bandwidth limit %" to 0
you're done.It would be a good idea to reboot after this.
njoy this post thanks for watching ........
your bloggers KT,KK
for more pm at
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